Monday 3 November 2008

Sheffield Harley - 2nd November 2008

Considering how fucking tired and disgusting we felt, Sheffield was made instantly friendly by meeting up with my old schoolmate Tom and a couple of beers. Greg slept at the venue for a couple of hours and after I waved goodbye to Tom went and discovered about twenty-eight 40p reduced sandwiches and sushi from Tesco - result!
OK, so its Sunday, its pissing it down, we're in Sheffield - I'm not sure exactly what we werer expecting but it was 300% better than what was in our heads. Cooper is a rad promoter and a good friend, we played with a cool band called The Hipshakes who kind-of sounded like Black Lips, it was nice to hang with Dan DeathByShoes too aswell as a bunch of other really nice people. The show was fun, a little restrained considering our physical state, and we played a brand-new song (I think it will be called 'December Snapshots' after by brothers old band that I got the ideo of Old Romantics off) and it went down really well.
Good friendly vibes all round again before we sold all our cds and went home!! We meandered through the Penines through dense fog and blackness with Liars on really loud before getting back, cup of tea then sleep for seven million hours - ace weekend.


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